Thursday, April 14, 2011

Estate Sale Part 1: Strawberry patches...I love you.

Estate sales make me happy. They actually make my whole family happy. It's our thing.

Since moving to the Louis, I haven't been giving Estate sales my all. Which is very sad...

And it had to change people.

So this past Saturday I started the rigorous training necessary for survival, and visited an Estate Sale for the first time in months.

Comfortable shoes, check.
Cash, check.
Diligence and stamina?..working on it.

So, I was meandering through the sale and found a few good deals that I will be sharing with you through-out the week.

The first find is:

Vintage Strawberry Patches stationary....envelopes and all.

I was rummaging through a stack of things on a table, found these, and in turn, found love.

I'm a lover of all things stationary or papery or pretty...and so these fit the bill.

I figured for a buckaroo, this stationary could brighten anyone's day.

Who doesn't love pretty little gals in pretty little dresses, enjoying strawberries?

Yeah I know. That's what I thought too.

So, if you receive a letter from me in the next few expecting Strawberry Patches.

And, yes, I do plan on writing letters.

Be looking for the future posts sharing my other sa-weet deals!

Much love to ya,


  1. I love, love, love this! Have you signed up on the website where they send you an email letting you know what estate sales are in your area??? Its awesome. I get one every week. Love you friend!

  2. Thanks sarah!! yeah I check it out every time I'm in the mood. Definitely a great resource.
