Friday, March 11, 2011

It's a whole neeeeew world!!

Yes. That is a snippet from the famously romantic Disney's Aladdin. And, yes, I did sing it while I typed it. But the point is, this is a whole new world.

Having recently moved, I have truly realized how small each person's world is. And though there are millions of people out there who get some sort of high from traveling and exploring, there are ten's of millions of people who have no motivation to leave their neighborhood.

Dude. This is the place for you. My hope is that through this blog, you will be inspired to stop at that corner cafe you have always wondered about; that you will try a new food you have never heard of; read a book that challenges you; or find a good deal you didn't know existed.

Tap into your world like no one else can.


  1. Sounds like the beginning of a great blog!

  2. haha i like this. "tap into your world like no one else can!" good advice. :)
