Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Houseplant Confession

So remember how I have been hunting for a house plant for---well, a month or so?

Hmmm....haven't found one yet.

However, due to not going out of town today as was expected, I had a little extra time to do some exploring in my own home town.

It is a beautifully sunny day--cool but warmer than it has been. The perfect weather to get out and about.

Red and I headed down S. Grand to Chimichanga's for lunch---despite rave reviews via Urbanspoon, we left being glad we got that our of our system and with no intention of returning. ( I will say their chips were excellent....thin and light.)

That aside...

Red was meeting up with AD at Sump, so we headed down to Cherokee Street to Antique Row so I could pop into a few of my favorite places. By few, I mean one---where I found a fab old chair that I would love to buy and reupholster. (I'm kidding!!! Ok, no I'm not--but now isn't the best time.)

We left there for Red to hang with AD. I headed around the corner to Meremec and Grand---to an area known as Dutchtown.

Now. I had heard of Dutchtown, but I had never experienced it. And the row that had caught my eye was 4 stores of consignment/re-sale shops. You know I like that.

The first one-- Zaftig was great.

Here is where the confession part comes in.

I found a pair of J.Brand jeans for $17.00

This is an incredible find people. I couldn't pass it up. They fit (....besides needing to be hemmed a few inches) and they are beautiful. I say yes to that.

And the proprietor of the store was a sassy woman filled with personality. Bricks (her nickname) was not to be pushed aside. She even gave me some earrings for half-price. I say yes to that too!

Soft coral/pink color

Unfortunately, this means my hunt for a houseplant is on pause. I had set aside a little birthday money and have officially spent it.

So, future Houseplant? I say sorry to you. My heart is weak for good deals and the jeans beat you out. In a few months I'll make it up to you.

1 comment:

  1. Those jeans were a great buy!
    I don't think the house plant will mind ;)
