Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hey you, get on on the floor!

I have intended to get on the floor and do side-leg lifts for weeks now.

I avoid them anyways.

So, today I decided to attack these leg lifts with a vengeance.

The Lord saw my passion and rewarded me:

As I sweat out my last 20, I lift my eyes, focusing on the distant--- moccasin!!!

---a shoe that has been missing for at least 2 weeks now.

The moral of this story: get on the floor--you never know what you might find.

1 comment:

  1. Always nice to check your blog and see what's been going on with you. Hey, let Red put you through your exercises. You'll really get a good work out...and look at the muscles you'll addition to finding a moccasin. What a fun sounding "bucket list." I love to "hear" you write. That's what I do when I read what you've written....I listen and can almost "hear" your voice. I spent the morning today with your Dad and about 70 or his closest friends...the choir. We had a visiting clinician. I checked out Chrissy's blog. Even recognized her in the sunglasses. Enjoy your time together in STL. Watch out for the tornadoes. Be safe. You may need to take cover under that bed. Maybe you'll find another missing shoe.
    Luv to both of you.
    Dave F.
