Friday, November 18, 2011

Pinterest Applied

As many of you may have discovered, Pinterest is addictive.

It places so many ideas, projects, inspirations, thoughts, and sources at your fingertips ---it's overwhelming!! Ok--for me?.. It's exciting.

It has been a perfect tool in dealing with this strong creative streak I've been feeling--but it reaches a point where being exposed to other people's creativity is not enough.

You must act--you must bring value to those hours you have spent browsing Pinterest, stumbling over new organization tips, side-stepping sewing projects, and staring too long at that decadent chocolate cake recipe calling your name....

So yesterday I tackled this issue.

 I decided for better or worse, I was going to break out my sewing machine and sew a project I had pinned to some board or another...

Little rice bag hand warmers: heat 'em up in the microwave for 30 secs and then put in your coat pockets for toasty fingers.

Can be bought at Etsy (not made by me of course.)


There are a few caveats to this project decision you need to know:

1. I'm not a crafty person. Just a creative person.

2. I don't know how to sew.

"What?!" You worries, Youtube and Pinterest really do solve everything--project related.

I found this nifty Youtube video that concisely taught me to thread my machine and how to do a basic stitch:

After figuring out this process--I felt really good about myself. I was preening to myself as if I had become fluent in a foreign language---as I cut more hearts out and prepared myself for further "success"---

Check out my work station:

Here is my first attempt at stitching the heart:

Preening deflated.

I ripped it out and did it again---round 2 was better--

I filled it with rice and completed the heart on the machine.

the funnel is a must.

My entire afternoon was consumed with making 4 hearts total---and I have...hmmm... A LOT more to make as Christmas gets closer.

Finished Product

So--if you receive a gift from me and Red this Christmas--- that seems a little wonky---know that it was made with love.

 I'm starting to really appreciate DIY gifts.

Go be creative--even if it is in a realm you have no knowledge in...success (to some degree--even if it's low :o) can be found.

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