Monday, November 14, 2011


It seems that everyone comes to the crossroads of "What do I want to do with my life?"---and it casts a shadow on all they do--- No matter what they put their time and efforts in--this question colors the experience and expectation.

Perhaps that is where I am standing.

No doubt we all long for value and a sense of self---maybe even fame and affirmation for all we do. I haven't met many people with the goal of not making a difference or perhaps the goal of helping society devolve...

No. It seems that we--specifically this current generation of 20-somethings want more. We want not only to be successful and rich--but to somewhere along the line---make a difference---leave a legacy---to be known.

It's not enough to "just" be a teacher. We want to transform the educational system. It's not enough to "just" be a mom. We want to be a super-mom who happens to own a small business, speak 3 different languages, and volunteer every saturday at the local orphanage---so we can give our children a solid world view. It's not enough to write just because we enjoy writing. We want to be the next Jane Austen or J.K. Rowling.

None of these things are wrong or bad. And it is good (I would argue) to strive to thrive. There is no shame in doing your job well.

But is this perspective of "enough is never enough" realistic and/or healthy? And how is this impacting our lives? Isn't every one exhausted?

I come to this point from my desire to be creative...and my desire to one day be "successful" (a loaded term I know) in a way that glorifies the Lord.

How do you balance contentment with success/improvement?

How does one marry skills and interests to possibilities and opportunities? How do you get paid for doing what you love?---and for that matter, how do you figure out what you really love doing?

Experience. How do you get experience?


How do you network for experiences you'd like to have--and how do you expose yourself to people who have the discernment and insight to help you towards a future?

So sort of in the same vein--but in a different direction....

Here is a video from TED--a lovely source of food for thought. One of my grad school professors shared this with us--and it hit me in an interesting way.

 It is Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat, Pray, Love) discussing creativity. She suggests that a person can not be a genius but rather has an inner genius...though I do not agree with her entire perspective--it is an interesting concept to consider when one is struggling with creativity.

How have you dealt with these issues of career and creativity--or enjoyment? And what are some conclusions you have drawn?


  1. oh Laura, how is it that I have had these exact same thoughts do we define success and how do we become "successful" by doing what we love...yes, i am there, asking myself these same questions...I am encouraged that life is about knowing Jesus and making Him when I get overwhelmed, that is always what I go back to. Just know Jesus. Share Jesus. Be Jesus. Easier said than done, but it always brings me back to what is truly important in life. I don't have to have others approval or rather prove to others that I am good enough with whatever is at hand...ok basically lets have a life catch up session!

  2. Ashley! You are so right--so what does this look like!? Haha--yes I can't wait to hear how the Lord is moving in your life!
