Sunday, July 17, 2011

July Thus Far

So as you may have noticed, I haven't posted anything....since June.

Which is insane.

So here I am...and I am opening up my return to this here blog--with an update on all that I have been up to...including a few places that need to be added to your hit list for the Mid-west and St. Louis.

I've plundered. I've traveled. I've cooked. I've explored...

So this week will be dedicated to a few of these experiences, places, and persons.

I hope you enjoy.

Event #1:

I plundered an Estate Sale in Webster Grove---this awesome neighborhood/community loaded with historic homes, great restaurants, and some good shops.

The 2 things that spoke to my heart...

Exhibit A: A wonderfully old picture of a stranger

I sort of have a thing for old postcards or portraits. I love to imagine the stories behind these individuals-----who they are, where they are from, their struggles, their dreams, their flaws, their gifts...I can literally sit there and get lost in the life I give them.

This girl is smart. You can tell by her grin and how she naturally touches the book. She loves to disappear in her father's library and read for hours. She enjoys learning in any capacity whether it's through formal education or working with the cook in the kitchen. She is comfortable with her status but doesn't hold it over other people or use it as manipulation to get what she wants. She's great at playing spades and is unsure of dancing. She enjoys being outside...she also loves to sing. She hates bread pudding. She hopes to one day drive a car...

See, you can look at a picture and take it anywhere.

Exhibit B: A wonderfully stained and used Delta Gamma Cookbook

St. Louis has a good amount of DG representatives---and is also the site for one of Delta Gamma's school for the Blind. I was stoked when I stumbled upon this cook book from the 1960's. It has obviously been well loved--and as a fellow DG, it was heartwarming to make this connection---even if it's just with the cookbook not the actual cook. I have to believe that it was another DG who loved this book first...

I adore Estate sales because they connect you with the past...and if anything invite you to consider people who came before you...

I promise to provide many more updates this week---trust me you will be surprised to see all that has been happening.

Have a good one!


  1. i hope you don't mind that i stumbled onto your blog...saw the address on your fb page. you really are a romantic! and i love your writing style! adding you to my reading list :)

  2. Evie! I'm so glad you love it. I've been checking your blogs out quite regularly. You are so creative!
