Friday, May 3, 2013

Carolina Green

Spring in NC has been remarkable.

Never before have I seen Wisteria growing wild along side the roads and highways or been blown away by the slow changing from the pale pink to hurt your eyes purple flowers of the Japanese Plum Tree.

It has been transforming for me to observe the changes of the season. The dry gray place we moved to has suddenly brilliantly awaken with blossoms blooming, the spaces between filled with every shade of green imaginable.

The greens here are wild. Seriously. I know Ireland is known for their green--but North Carolina could join the contest.

As we drive along country roads my eyes are trained on the world beyond my window drinking in the vibrancy we pass through: lime, olive, almost black, emerald, avocado, apple, hunters------green.

Our driveway

I am so glad Spring is here! Aren't you?


  1. Love that you are in NC. Closer to your parents, Laura.

  2. It is definitely going to be easier to see them! Excited for the possibilities.
