Tuesday, September 27, 2011

10 Tips to a Mindful Home

This pronouncement...found via Pinterest from the lovely blog maison boheme seems to align well with the whole Sabbath (restful) approach to life.

...a bit more Zen then I am--it does a great job of challenging you to be intentional with each daily experience and task. Who doesn't need more of that?!

A side note...it also seems to confirm that we really should all consider returning to the Little House on the Prairie lifestyle--- are you with me?!?!

Ok. If anything:

Simplify, simplify, simplify.


  1. Love these reminders! There are few things as important as making your bed. Sets the right tone for the day. :)

  2. I feel the same way! As I've grown up--making my bed makes me happier and happier.
