Thursday, August 25, 2011

For the beauty of the Earth

This was the view from my morning run:

The wind was nicely blowing the perfect 67 degree air around---cooling me as I push myself and to run harder.

Typically I run later in the day, but today I was out and about--and so I took advantage of this weather opportunity. I am so grateful for the ability to move my body as I want to--the ability to walk, run, use every part.

I know that sounds silly to some folks--but it is a blessing that I overlook. I want to take it in and appreciate it for what it is.

Here is another beautiful view:

I use these runs as time to meditate on the Lord--to consider His word and how He is moving in my life and in the lives around me.

It is such a sweet thing to experience the Lord in the small things; and today, in the beauty of the Earth.

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