Friday, December 23, 2011

Creative Haven on The Hill

As it is the week before Christmas--life has been a madhouse.

However, as crazy as the times are, it was a sweet delight to have my sister-in-law Michelle visit St. Louis with her younger sister Megan.

Whenever someone comes to visit, I strive to expose them to an area of St. Louis they may not typically visit if they came knowing no one here...

With this in mind (and considering that Michelle and Megan specifically requested we spend some time on "The Hill"..they are part Italian, mind you...) we ended their short visit with a morning of Italian goodness.

With only a little time to explore, we meandered the streets pretending as if it weren't cold and horribly misty. We relaxed at Shaw's coffee, meandered through Viviano's grocery, browsed another speciality food shop looking for boxed tomatoes (not to be found)...and then...

found a haven for all things creative and beautiful. By this I mean-- SKIF International. Home to both SKIF and jipisiboho.

You are asking--what is this?!

This fabulous studio/shop, located at 2008 Marconi, is a warehouse filled to the brim with unique finds.

The jipsiboho element is a feast for your eyes:

jenny b. of jipsiboho, made these chairs from deconstructed
sweaters...and the wall decor: old books.

jenny b. specialized in interior design, styling, art direction, staging, props and sets, wardrobe, and events. The moment we walked in, jenny shared her passion for art and design. You could feel it emanating from her as she explained different pieces she had made and some of her inspiration.

She even grabbed her favorite Japanese magazine to show me her vision for her digital magazine she is laying the foundation for.

Here are more of her products:
This couch makes me happy. Perfect for a reading nook in a child's room...or
as a prop in a photo-shoot...or in a boutique. OK--or in my tree house I'll have
one day.
Love love.
A genius inspiration board.
And my favorite:

Imagine this over our sick new couch. yes.
Only $150.
Jenny B.'s distinctively charming style is the perfect compliment to SKIF's organic rawness. The clothing  they create here at the St. Louis studio--is beautiful.

Designed to drape and compliment the body, their pieces are appropriate for all people in all walks of life.

There are shirts, pants, tunics, vests, dresses...really anything you can imagine. They also will work with you if you'd like a piece made with a different yarn or with slight variances such as sleeve length.

While you shop, the studio is buzzing with clothing being made as well as other unique woven/sewn goods.

A rug being made from "trash"..or remnants
from other clothing being made.
A quilt being made from fabric remnants.

Nina, the owner of SKIF, had her desk set up so she could view the show room, her hospitality evident. Their website even offers a guest house if you are interested in coming to stay there and learn more about their business---or just to shop!

Michelle, Megan, and I spend the bulk of our time on The Hill at SKIF. It was such an education to discover this place in the middle of St. Louis. No longer must I brave the mall for Anthropologie--I can now go to a quaint Italian neighborhood and shop a local store with the same degree of creative of inspiration.

It pays to shop local, doesn't it?

I must say that after leaving the studio, my desire to be creative had quadrupled. I was raking my brain for every way possible to be paid to do my passions.

Though I am still deliberating about what exactly my passions are--I did come up with one way I could do this--

I am a professional estate "saler"... and by this I mean, I love love love bargain hunting for random things at people's massive garage sales (or really anywhere, for that matter.) Perhaps I could turn this into a professional treasure hunter for those who need treasure?

'Tis a thought.

So, since my own creativity is at a standstill, go, and support our local creatives. Their work is outstanding.

2008 Marconi
St. Louis, MO 63110

2008 Marconi
St. Louis, MO 63110
jenny b.


  1. Who knew? Thanks for the tip, Laura! You find the neatest places. Instead of Dora the Explorer, you are Laura the Explorer.

  2. This place was great and the company even better! Can't wait to go back.
